Tabernacle Photos
The free images
below are courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" located in Eureka Springs,
Arkansas. This facility not only has a full scale model of the Tabernacle
but a Bible museum, shows, displays and "The New HolyLand Tours".
Over 6 million people
in the last 31 years have visited them! It's a great place for the
family, Sunday School or even the whole church to visit. You can
experience wonderful dramas and parts of the HolyLand without leaving the
U.S. Click below to visit their
site to learn more OR go
to the bottom of this page to see the free images.
COPYRIGHT RULES: all photos are copyrighted by the Elna M. Smith Foundation and should not be reproduced and sold without the written consent of the Elna M. Smith Foundation DBA The Great Passion Play.
NOTE: The images are shown as thumbnails. They will
look better when enlarged.
Click on the thumbnails below to visit the main full image.
After clicking on the image to go to the
full size image, place your cursor over the enlarged image. In Windows
95 or 98 you can then "right click" over the image and you will be given
a choice to either copy the image directly into PowerPoint(r) or save to
your disk drive.
taberover.jpg This is an overview of the tabernacle site.
This is a 3KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 83
KB image. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Laver, Tent.

Available from Christian Book Distributors
The Tabernacle, DVD
By Vision Video
Explore the ancient meeting place between sinful man and a holy God in this intriguing presentation. Stunning three-dimensional computer-generated depictions of the Table of Shewbread, the Altar of Incense, and the Ark of the Covenant bring hard-to-visualize Scripture passages to life. 28 minutes.
tabwash1.jpg This is the entrance to the
Holy Place in the tabernacle. The laver is in the foreground.
This is a 4KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 34
KB image. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Laver, Tent.
TABERNACLEtabalt1.jpg This is a view of the entrance to
the tabernacle. This is a 3KB thumbnail.Click on the image to
see the enlarged 25 KB image. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, courtyard. This image
courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
TABERNACLE COURTYARD ENTRANCEenter.jpg This is the entrance to the Tabernacle courtyard.
It is made of scarlet, blue and purple linen. The actual graphic on the linen is unknown and this is an interpretation. This is a 6KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 42 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, entrance, linen. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
BRASS ALTARbraltar.jpg This is the brass covered altar of burnt offering just inside the entrance of the tabernacle. This is a 6KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 42 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Brass altar, burnt offering, altar. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
sacrifice.jpg This is a wooden stock used to hold animal sacrifices when they were killed.
This is a 6KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 31 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, sacrifice, stock. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
CORNER OF COURTYARDtabcorner.jpg This is the outside corner of the courtyard fence of the Tabernacle.
In was made of white linen held up by wooden posts with brass bases, silver tops and silver rings.
This is a 4KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 19 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, courtyard. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
COURTYARDtabcourt.jpg This is the inside of the courtyard fence of the Tabernacle.
In was made of white linen held up by wooden posts with brass bases, silver tops and silver rings.
This is a 6KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 42 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, courtyard. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
LAVERtabwash2.jpg This is the Laver of the Tabernacle.
It is the place where the priests washed before entering the Holy Place. It was a brass bowl on the stand at which the priest washed their feet and hands. This particular model shows a second bowl at the bottom. Most artist renderings do not. This is a 7KB thumbnail.Click on the image to see the enlarged 32 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, laver, priest. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
Available from Christian Book Distributors
Tabernacle Powerpoint CD
By Rose Publishing
PowerPoint Tabernacle allows PowerPoint software users to show images of the Tabernacle on a computer screen or project it using a digital projector. The presentation shows all of the key features of the Tabernacle, the Holy Place, the Holy of Holies, and more. Slides may be printed out as handouts
(Adobe Acrobat required)Microsoft PowerPoint 2001 or higher required. (CD Does
not come with PowerPoint application)
tabenter.jpg This is the entrance to the Holy Place in the Tabernacle.
In it is the lampstand, table of Shewbread and altar of incense. The entrance had five gold covered posts and a linen covering of scarlet, blue and purple and an unknown graphic embroidered in the linen.
This is a 5KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 25 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, priest. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
TABERNACLE OUTSIDEtabernac.jpg This is a view of the tabernacle from outside the courtyard fence.
This is a 5KB thumbnail.Click on the image to see the enlarged 23 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, courtyard. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
TABERNACLE TENTttent.jpg This is a detail of the tent material covering the Tabernacle.
It included an inner linen layer and two leather outer layers.
This is a 6KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 32 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, tent. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
HOLY PLACEtholy.jpg This is the Holy Place in the Tabernacle. In it is the lampstand, table of Shewbread and altar of incense.
This is a 5KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 36 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, lampstand, table of shewbread, altar
of incense, priest. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
incense.jpg This is the Altar of Incense
in the Tabernacle. It is located in the Holy Place at the entrance
to the Holy of Holies. This is a 4KB thumbnail.Click on the image
to see the enlarged 29KB image. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, altar
of incense, incense. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
tlamp3.jpg This is a view of the Menorah or lampstand inside the Holy Place. It was solid gold and about 5 feet tall. This is a 4KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 14 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, menorah, lampstand. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
LAMPSTANDtlamp.jpg This is the lampstand in the Tabernacle.
It is located in the Holy Place. This is a 5KB thumbnail.Click on
the image to see the enlarged 36 KB image. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place,
lampstand, candlestick, menorah. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs
TABLE OF SHEWBREADshewbred.jpg This is the Table of Shewbread in the Tabernacle.
It is a gold covered table with 12 loaves of unleavened bread on it.
This is a 4KB thumbnail.Click on the image to see the enlarged 40KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy Place, table of shewbread, shewbread. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
ARK OF THE COVENANTtholy.jpg This is the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle.
It was a gold covered box containing the ten commandments, Aaron's rod that budded and a jar of Manna.
This is a 6KB thumbnail.Click on the image to see the enlarged 32 KB image.
KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, Holy of Holies, most holy place, ark of the covenant, ark. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
arkgold.jpg This is the Ark of the Covenant
in the Holy of Holies in the tabernacle. This ark was a gold covered box that contained the Ten Commandments, Aaron's rod and a jar of manna. On the top are Cherubim whose wings overshadow the ark. This is one artist's conception. We do not know exactly what Cherubim looked like.
This is a 3KB thumbnail. Click on the image to see the enlarged 37
KB image. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, ark, ark of the covenant.
hpriest.jpg This is the High Priest.
He wears an Ephod with 12 precious stones, each representing a different tribe. This is a 2KB thumbnail.Click on the image to
see the enlarged 17KB image. KEYWORDS: Tabernacle, highpriest, priest, ephod. This image
courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.
STONE ALTARstonealt.jpg This is a model of a stone altar.
It is not part of the Tabernacle. It is an example of one of the other displays at this facility and represents altars described in the Old Testament. This is a 4KB thumbnail. Click on the image
to see the enlarged 38KB image. KEYWORDS: altar, stone, horn. This image courtesy of "The Great Passion Play" in Eureka Springs Arkansas.